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Our Journey

Anita’s Testimony

One of my favorite childhood recollections is going to church on Sunday mornings.  I was always happy to trek the short distance up my block to our church to learn more about Jesus, whom I had asked to reside in my heart at the tender age of five years old.  For most of my early childhood, my family attended church together.  I have particular fond memories of Christmas time since I was cast, for many consecutive years, as Jesus’ mother Mary in the annual play.

As I grew into the teenage years, I placed Jesus on hold as I allowed my interests to be diverted elsewhere. The scripture regarding train up a child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6) was alive and active in my life, for He kept me from wandering into areas of destruction during my high school days. I can’t tell you how easy it would have been to wander into the drug scene as a couple of my siblings did. Unfortunately, I did enjoy drinking and partying. Looking back I recall several times the Lord spared my life from potential harm. Truly, the Lord continued watching out for me and would later reveal His plan for my life.

While in my senior year of high school, I held three jobs. I’m not sure if my obsession for work originated from witnessing my father’s work ethic or if it stemmed from the fact I became too familiar with my mother doing without in order to provide for her children. Whatever the case, I developed an infatuation with shopping and buying material things only to repeat the cycle over and over again.  I was never satisfied. This pattern followed me into my marriage and became my way of life; work hard during the week and shop until you drop on the weekends. The more I obtained the more I wanted. It was not unlike me to purchase a big ticket item at the drop of a hat. Obviously, I was looking in all the wrong places! 

The Lord is faithful and He will use His resources to get our attention. After strategically moving us across the street from a Christian family, providing a Christian babysitter and even taking me to a Christian nail salon, He demonstrated the scripture found in Luke 15:4-7 that speaks about leaving the ninety-nine and going after the one…Me!  My spirit longed to return to my first love, but I allowed my husband’s adverse church attitude cloud my judgment.  I wanted to worship as a family.   God is faithful.  He gave me the desires of my heart.  My hubby finally agreed to attend a worship service and afterward surrendered his heart to the Lord. The same evening I rededicated my heart and began feeding my hunger with the spiritual food I was lacking. 

Christ’s work in me didn’t stop there.  Looking back, I would have to classify us as “pew potatoes” regarding our worship.  We went, we were fed, and we left.  That is not where God wanted us so He allowed a fire to ignite within our family in order to fully surrender all areas of our life over to Him.  With this, we moved out of the pew and into service for Him. 

My husband became a pastor and I realized the importance of nurturing our youngest daughter in the ways of the Lord. Every good gift comes from above.  The fruit of our labor is witnessed in her godly life today and I am honored to co-labor alongside of her in our ministry Kindred Hearts.  
God was true to His promise to me when I found out I was pregnant with her…He knit our hearts together and gave us a passion to encourage women to utilize God’s Word as their compass to guide them on their journey through life.   

Our lives have not been easy and assuredly we have learned to be content living in the valleys where God’s work is done. Not unlike Job, God knew how much stress-testing my family could undergo and what it would achieve.  As people will discover in my book, “Choice for Change” being refined does bring about a clarity and beauty for God’s purpose, faithfulness, and everlasting love. 

As I continue to seek Him first and apply His principles, He remains devoted to mature and guide me forever on the path of righteousness. I pray you will take ahold of His hand and let Him direct you on the narrow path to your eternal destination. 

May His face shine upon thee!
