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Sunday, December 23, 2012

His Love is Better Than Life (Day Twenty-Nine)

“Because your love is better than life, 
my lips will glorify you.
Psalm 63:3 (NLT)

You can see this every day if you look closely.  Empty people.  Amidst this season of glitter and lights, of parties, shopping, and gifts…empty.

Perhaps you have bumped into one such individual as you make your way through a crowded store in search of the perfect gift that you know will make a loved one happy. 

We see people everywhere in pursuit of a rich life full of blessings…all of which are only temporal.  Maybe you have thought, “If only I can get the promotion, then I will have enough money to make me happy” or you find yourself at a local market in front of the cashier spending your hard earned cash, in lieu of paying your utility bill, for lottery tickets that are sure to be winners.  Life keeps happening and we continue to desire in our heart rather than enjoying what is in front of us.  Time ticks away…

Let me present to you the stark reality…

absent of God’s love is nothing more than death.

Sobering, isn’t it? 

Many people spend their lifetime pursuing worldly blessings that possess no eternal value.  They are in essence living in the shadow of death and forfeiting the light.

After the seasonal gifts have been unwrapped and the feast partaken, many will sink back into a mire of hopelessness and pain.  They cannot find a reason for rejoicing.  But, hark! 

There is indeed hope!  As the Angel spoke… 

“Do not be afraid; for behold,
I bring you good news of great joy 
which will be for all the people.”
Luke 2:10 (NASB)

Joy for everyone!

“for today in the city of David there has been born 
for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:11 (NASB)

There is one more present for you.  Our Heavenly Father placed this present on the tree and not under it.  He awaits your receipt of this free gift that pledges an everlasting benefit…

His Son.

When He is living within our hearts only then will His LOVE overshadow the obstacles of life and will we be able to sing praises to Him no matter what circumstances we are in.  

It is at this place we can claim victory!

Forever His,

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Love Your Enemies (Day Twenty-Eight)

“But I say to you, love your enemies 
and pray for those who persecute you.”
Matthew 5:44 (NASB)

You know who they are.

My memories of them go as far back as my elementary school days.  One bully made fun of where I lived.  It seemed I came from the wrong side of town and was labeled a misfit. 


Growing up didn’t stop the accumulation of enemies.  On the contrary…I learned that people didn’t even have to know me to become my enemy.  I didn’t even have to speak a word for others to come against me.  Perhaps you have met your share at a four-way stop sign and when it is your turn, they honk, as if you are out of turn, and show you some unkind gestures that make you feel dirty.  Recently, I met one down the grocery aisle.  Although I was not in close proximity she exclaimed some ugly words about me not “excusing” myself that had me wondering when she last had an eye exam.

Expect this.

However, as Christians our response and attitude should reflect that of our Maker.  How did Christ handle His enemies?

While being persecuted and then hung to die on a cross for sins He didn’t commit, He cried out, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34 (NASB). 

LOVE your enemies.   

When we show a true spirit of Christianity, the world can’t understand.  They find it peculiar for society proclaims otherwise.  We are commanded to love those who persecute us. 

If someone curses or insults us we demonstrate our love toward them by blessing them back.  In doing so we inherit a blessing, although that shouldn’t be our motive.  Another way to love these mean people we encounter is to do good to them.  Paul would share with us in Romans 12:20 that we should feed our enemy if they are hungry and give them a drink if they are thirsty.  Finally, we can, and should, pray for those who persecute us.

You think this is hard 
for you?

Consider this…

In the aftermath of the evil that visited one small elementary school a few days ago, I listened to a victim’s father’s press conference.  He articulated the very essence of our scripture above.  In a heartbreaking tone he expressed his forgiveness to his daughter’s murderer and offered condolences to the perpetrator’s family.  Forever stained with hurt and pain for his loss, people around the world indeed know who this man is…a child of God.

Forever His,

Monday, December 10, 2012

Obedient Love (Day Twenty-Seven)

 “If you love me, obey my commandments.
John 14:15 (NLT)

I remember my husband telling me early on in our marriage that he was cautious to use three little words too frequently.  To him, the words “I love you” were not to be used lightly.  He further explained to me that I should know his love for me as displayed by his actions and not by some manufactured feeling. That, as he put it, was more important and validated his commitment to me.  As a newlywed at the time, I felt gypped.  What girl doesn’t want to hear her husband reaffirm his love for her?

In this portion of scripture, Jesus is asserting my husband’s very point, although I can’t give my husband credit for following the Lord’s leading at that time in his life.  Christ is telling us that our love for Him shouldn’t be in word only, but on display for others to see.  We do this by keeping His commandments.

Following His commandments is a conscientious act. 

There is nothing wrong with having a fervent passion for our Savior, but if we truly LOVE Him, our love will be seen in more than a sentimental or emotional way.  Our love will be demonstrated by the reasonable effort we place in our walk.  In this way others will see proof of the loving God we serve that they might be drawn to Him as well.

We choose to be obedient. 

In order for us to follow we must grasp hold of His instructions and implement them into our daily lives.  Only by reading, hearing, and meditating on them, along with studying and memorizing them will they become manifested within our lives.

Forever His,

Monday, December 3, 2012

Attaining Unity Through Peace (Day Twenty-Six)

It's easy to get defensive and try and protect oneself when others nit-pick your actions or opinions. Never wanting a marred reputation, a wrong impression, or someone's view of us to be shattered, all too quickly in a panic we can plead and argue our case. This is especially true when it comes to our motives being called into question.

When people criticize you for your actions - that's one thing, but when they start to analyze what's on the inside - that's when it's even harder to accept. It's something we all need work on because even though these are normal feelings and reactions to have, it's how we deal with them that counts.

Are we responding with humility and gentleness? Do we allow God to be our judge and jury in these times or do we tend to take matters into our own hands? Can you receive slander, jealousy, unfair treatment, or criticism without bitterness or complaining, realizing that God knows your heart and the motives behind your actions? When we are defensive at an unhealthy level (arguing, being the one that has to "be right"...), that causes division which is contrary to having peace and unity with one another. 

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together in peace.” Ephesians 4:2-3

Throughout history we see evidence of our world being divided and filled with no peace, no real LOVE, and no unity. This is still true to this day, but this is not God's intention. As the body of Christ, we should bear evidence to this fragmented world that we are joined together in loving unity. They should be able to look within our walls and see many members (Romans 12:4-5) working together as one. If all they stumble upon is dissension, hostility, division, and will they see true love manifested in our very lives?

Bond in Greek Lexicon is the word "Sundesmos" which means: that which binds together, a band, bond of ligaments by which the members of the human body are united together; that which is bound together, a bundle.

Peace is the binding element that will maintain the unity the Holy Spirit has produced. We must break down those great divides that prevent us from achieving and maintaining unity with one another, and in doing Christ will be rightly manifested to the world.

As we are reminded in John 14:7 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you" (NKJV).


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Love in Unity (Day Twenty-Five)

Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”
Philippians 2:2-4 (NASB)

Here, we see Paul making a personal request for unity, of the Philippians.  If he were around today, I’m sure he would admonish us to do the same.  Look about.  You can find too many people motivated by their own selfish-ambitions or pride.  Everywhere we see individuals calling attention to themselves not just out of a desire to advance, but in order to look good as well. 

Do you belong to Facebook?

This is a great place to publish comments about our self-interests and ambitions.  In verse three of our scripture it warns us not to do anything out of “empty conceit.” describes “conceit” as an excessively favorable opinion of one’s own ability.”  In other words, this could be translated as empty praise or glory.  Have you read any posts that give credence to someone describing a favorable opinion of their interests or preoccupations?  What about the individuals who aggressively ram their ideas and opinions off on others?  If we aren’t reading a post, we have pictures to view that record someone’s every move.

Paul continues to describe what our motives should look like… “with humility of mind” and regarding, or esteeming, others above ourselves.  That is so contrary to our society’s belief system!  In order to feel good about ourselves, we are to hold onto the value that we are superior.  This validates our mindset to stoop and undertake actions we normally wouldn’t entertain while face-to-face with others.  The Social Media sites are a great way for some to hide behind a mask and allow the corruption residing deep within their wicked hearts to be poured out…so often at the risk of hurting others.  Here is a site where they can dump out the sludge that otherwise wouldn’t be heard.  How contrary to what we are told about looking out for the needs and concerns of others.

Do you sometimes suffer from a selfish spirit?

As we look out for the needs of others and regard them as more important we are giving up our rights and placing their needs above our own.  A selfish spirit is disparaging of Christian love.  Only by having His mind and displaying Christ’s example will we be in a position of demonstrating sincere Christian Love.    

Forever His,