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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Love Your Enemies (Day Twenty-Eight)

“But I say to you, love your enemies 
and pray for those who persecute you.”
Matthew 5:44 (NASB)

You know who they are.

My memories of them go as far back as my elementary school days.  One bully made fun of where I lived.  It seemed I came from the wrong side of town and was labeled a misfit. 


Growing up didn’t stop the accumulation of enemies.  On the contrary…I learned that people didn’t even have to know me to become my enemy.  I didn’t even have to speak a word for others to come against me.  Perhaps you have met your share at a four-way stop sign and when it is your turn, they honk, as if you are out of turn, and show you some unkind gestures that make you feel dirty.  Recently, I met one down the grocery aisle.  Although I was not in close proximity she exclaimed some ugly words about me not “excusing” myself that had me wondering when she last had an eye exam.

Expect this.

However, as Christians our response and attitude should reflect that of our Maker.  How did Christ handle His enemies?

While being persecuted and then hung to die on a cross for sins He didn’t commit, He cried out, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34 (NASB). 

LOVE your enemies.   

When we show a true spirit of Christianity, the world can’t understand.  They find it peculiar for society proclaims otherwise.  We are commanded to love those who persecute us. 

If someone curses or insults us we demonstrate our love toward them by blessing them back.  In doing so we inherit a blessing, although that shouldn’t be our motive.  Another way to love these mean people we encounter is to do good to them.  Paul would share with us in Romans 12:20 that we should feed our enemy if they are hungry and give them a drink if they are thirsty.  Finally, we can, and should, pray for those who persecute us.

You think this is hard 
for you?

Consider this…

In the aftermath of the evil that visited one small elementary school a few days ago, I listened to a victim’s father’s press conference.  He articulated the very essence of our scripture above.  In a heartbreaking tone he expressed his forgiveness to his daughter’s murderer and offered condolences to the perpetrator’s family.  Forever stained with hurt and pain for his loss, people around the world indeed know who this man is…a child of God.

Forever His,

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