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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Love in Unity (Day Twenty-Five)

Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”
Philippians 2:2-4 (NASB)

Here, we see Paul making a personal request for unity, of the Philippians.  If he were around today, I’m sure he would admonish us to do the same.  Look about.  You can find too many people motivated by their own selfish-ambitions or pride.  Everywhere we see individuals calling attention to themselves not just out of a desire to advance, but in order to look good as well. 

Do you belong to Facebook?

This is a great place to publish comments about our self-interests and ambitions.  In verse three of our scripture it warns us not to do anything out of “empty conceit.” describes “conceit” as an excessively favorable opinion of one’s own ability.”  In other words, this could be translated as empty praise or glory.  Have you read any posts that give credence to someone describing a favorable opinion of their interests or preoccupations?  What about the individuals who aggressively ram their ideas and opinions off on others?  If we aren’t reading a post, we have pictures to view that record someone’s every move.

Paul continues to describe what our motives should look like… “with humility of mind” and regarding, or esteeming, others above ourselves.  That is so contrary to our society’s belief system!  In order to feel good about ourselves, we are to hold onto the value that we are superior.  This validates our mindset to stoop and undertake actions we normally wouldn’t entertain while face-to-face with others.  The Social Media sites are a great way for some to hide behind a mask and allow the corruption residing deep within their wicked hearts to be poured out…so often at the risk of hurting others.  Here is a site where they can dump out the sludge that otherwise wouldn’t be heard.  How contrary to what we are told about looking out for the needs and concerns of others.

Do you sometimes suffer from a selfish spirit?

As we look out for the needs of others and regard them as more important we are giving up our rights and placing their needs above our own.  A selfish spirit is disparaging of Christian love.  Only by having His mind and displaying Christ’s example will we be in a position of demonstrating sincere Christian Love.    

Forever His,

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