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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Treasure Chest - (Day Five)

In our Scripture yesterday, Jesus told us that we can’t serve two masters.  Surely He knows our tendency to focus our lives around the lures of the world.  How easy it is for us to forget the reason we were created…for His pleasure.

Anyone who has turned on their television set recently can attest to the uncertainty of our nation.  Worry and fear are squeezing us from both sides.  In many instances, people turn to drugs and alcohol to disable their burdens.  They discover that they may be numb for a while, but the pain returns and now they have more problems to deal with.

I remember when people were storing up during a time of worry and uncertainty before “Y2K.”  Being prepared is one thing, but focusing on what “could” happen is not where the Lord wants us.  This “what-if” scenario took our eyes off of God’s hope and power and placed them on fear.  No doubt, this is right where the enemy wants us. 

There was a time in my life when materialism was my god.  My endless search only took me from store to store because of my constant love for “things.”  When the new became old, my quest didn’t miss a beat.  It wasn’t until I took a good look into my treasure chest and realized that my love for material goods was indeed my treasure. 

So, what is in your treasure chest?  What are the things that you value and hold near and dear to your heart?  Perhaps your job, car, or reputation is deemed your most prized and loved possession.  While it isn’t a bad thing to have worldly goods, too often we come to love these belongings so much they begin to own us! 

Our focus needs to be off of those things that will rot and be destroyed and on the eternal…our first LOVE, JESUS!    

“For where your treasure is, 
there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21 (NKJV)

Forever His,

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